Wednesday, August 30, 2006
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Italy: The war with terror hits I-net cafes , or further restrictions of liberty in the name of security
How gave IDG service was introduced in Italy so. anti-terrorism laws, which impose an obligation licencjowania cafes Internet and registering people using them .
Every visitor should cafe show an identity document, ie pratyce dokumenet any photo. Foreigners can show almost anything with stamps, a set of patterns of official documents in every cafe, after all there is and it will not.
Does this make sense? In my opinion, no, like the pre-registration paidów. Those who want to use the Internet to the wrong actions and so will do it.
idea, however, indicates sad about something else, with despair, power, looking for any, mostly illusory and ineffective means to "do something with this terrorism." As a result, risk seems to be to develop a global information society, tolerated only if it is "licensed", "monitored" and "monitored" . Kind of like today's Internet in China.
cafes are recorded first step of recording the movements of free WiFi networks and other wireless networks . But without this system will be leaks. Suffice it to recall a case in which criminals - that the fictional shop of electronics - purposely hired apartment market in the area of \u200b\u200bWroclaw, to enjoy the unmonitored access to the network.
Our fears, including those against terrorism, are used to enhance the control over us.
Personally, I do not fear terrorism more than other natural or natural disasters. You can prevent this phenomenon in a limited way. Is the swap so seemingly civil liberties of security? And is not that risky if the relevant services, which have enormous powers to monitor citizens themselves are reluctant to give up control (eg, avoidance of real control by the enigmatic Article content. 39 of the ABW and the AW - see SCC report of December 2005 ).
In the context of "trade VO, bartering - freedom for security, I recommend the book Bruce Schneier Beyond Fear" Thinking sensibly about Security in an Uncertain World, Copernicus Books (published September 2003) . Its cover, I allowed myself to illustrate this note.
And what is your opinion on this? Because I'm afraid that sooner rather than later someone will get the idea of \u200b\u200bintroducing such a law in Poland.
Monday, August 28, 2006
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comment Wiki is the law? ie why not start a project of Legal Wiki Comments?
not bothering me the idea of \u200b\u200bPeter 'Vagli "Waglowskiego, which I described here .
In conjunction with the proposal Lajon in order to create a new comment to the telecommunications law, so I thought it would be interesting to use Wiki commenting law.
The advantage over traditional commentary seems to be many: the ability to participate in the commenting rules by a wide range of practitioners. Speed \u200b\u200bof response to changes in the law. Openness and free nature of the project.
for this opportunity to link this with the demands of de legeferenda , and social participation in the legislative process is.
Of course there are risks , poor quality comments, errors, sabotage;) The same as in Wikipedia. And so you can try to overcome them. There is also a risk that professionals willing to share their secret knowledge for free. Experience with free software movement creative commons and other free software project show that there is a chance of success.
finger on the hood - who is include in the project?
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telcos: the magic hard to understand , or some reflection of the hardships of policy at the crossroads of telecommunications
rumors of the cancellation of the President of UKE run in wide circles, on Saturday, even wrote about this paper Rzeczpospolita. Apparently in response government spokesman announced that the Government had no plans to dismiss Ms. President (Telepolis source. However, the official website of CPM such communication is missing. It remains, we'll see.
Though must admit that the lack of a clear signal of support by the Prime Minister UKE , with increasingly wider gossip, you may have bad effects on the same controller. But the regulator is not only the President, but the entire staff of officials, and they work better and more efficiently when they know that their boss leads them in the right direction and will lead. constant turmoil around the UKE (formerly URTiP URT PARR ...) does not contribute to the maintenance of expertise there, gaining experience and bringing together the experience of staff , the determined to modern regulations for competition, modeled on the more dynamic European countries (eg . Britain, Ireland ...).
the meantime I think myself that the case of telecommunications the politicians are not the simplest . Professionals in the industry much. Professionals with vision even less. Understanding this market requires not only good in the news orientacji technology, hermetic and difficult to understand the law applicable in this area, but historical knowledge about the realities of cables arranged in the ground, the capacity of wells, the possibilities of exchanges, access to long-term studies, changes in trends in Europe, and even the skills of divination, as this convergence will be.
Most experts working in the market, thereby tying up with one of the players. I guess that the policies of their "independent" advice can sometimes lose orientation. Particularly wary podchodziłbym the framework of good advice in the industry.
So how it all has to manage the policies? How to "check" whether the regulator is working fine? But it chose politics voters and that the voters will eventually be settled.
will put the idea that when it comes to telecommunications is a wise politician will evaluate the effective control over what you really feel the voters - that is, the first price of telephone calls. Secondly, the quality of services. Thirdly, diversity of supply. And after Fourth availability of this diverse offering.
it suggests that the measure of control was primarily a consumer satisfaction.
Theses posed by the TEPs that this short-term thinking that will mean dismissal and lack of investment włożyłbym the cartoons. Such fears French Lachy . The company wants to exist in this market can not afford to nieinwestowanie. For traditional telecom and their clients are waiting longer cable operators, and gamers who build radio networks. The latter simply wholesale leased lines and fiber optics in Poland is quite a lot and this number will certainly decrease
When it comes to cutting costs, so I think that underestimated the potential of a "blocked" out of spectrum or numbering that as a result of various past decisions, were assigned to different entities (yes, tepsie too). Often in excess, with the possibility of their use of services after years of detention. And companies pay to those frequencies and numbering resources just stick. Hold and lock, just that no one else did something else there. How will expire terms of the old decision, it just might be an interesting start to the war around the President of UKE.
I think it would have been in this war to win back consumer .
And what I think reading this blog:? because there is, I know from google analytics:)
Friday, August 25, 2006
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changes in the law ... ie it looks like we're getting closer changing telecommunications law ...
will certainly be to comment on how your project will be shown on government websites. There are rumors that it will change a lot, to the relatively revolutionary.
And indeed it is why change, because the statute riddled for market development and technology has not kept pace until the end. Besides a lot of vagueness in her duties, such as the so-called. responsibilities to the defense market analysis procedure, the procedure for tendering, management of frequencies ...
Members also buried at the retention, in order to extend this duty to 5 (!) Years. He came to me, even the ideas of "retention of Internet coverage," although it seems that the author of the thesis do not really see what you mean - the content of sites or IP telephony;) \u200b\u200b
Autumn is sure to be interesting.
As far as the responsibilities for national defense, is one of the most important decisions will prescribe who pay for it?
now is like at sea, "you pay, you pay, we pay ... it is our money, sir, sir ... society ...". So bear the costs of operators, which we all pay - using their services.
Relevant departments have not wanted to pay . But that responsibility will grow and they will go beyond what the operators collect on a daily basis for mutual settlements, so think the administration will have to start paying something . Because no one wants jeszce expensive telecommunication services, even though from that country to do a better and safer.
wonder if anyone here has zaglądających in this case some of his own thoughts ... enjoy:)
Thursday, August 24, 2006
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regulators Independence, which signals that the independence of the regulator may be at risk are expanding soon ... IDG site has just published such a note
telcocafe was the day before, but he says the IDG that is, but something is turning ....
and what do you think?
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changed the settings blog and now everyone can add your comment , not as previously only registered bloggers ... invite
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screencaptures for securing a court , which looks like it will be easier to more preservation of evidence for prosecutions for breaches of copyright, personal rights or rights of ownership industry.
writes today Republic, although not all of the notaries wish to certify conformity with the printing of computer at the request of the customer saw on the screen, it slowly raises the idea that the already existing rules allow them to do.
position as the more traditional notary comes from the fact that Article. 96 paragraph 1 of the Notarial among the notarial acts certifying compliance lists only "copy, extract or copy of ID shown." Website undoubtedly the ID shown is not.
But it seems that those traditional notaries have forgotten that they can produce the official minutes of the made with the client or their own actions. It gives the right to do Article. 104 § 3 of the Notaries, according to which, notary writing the protocols in order to establish certain acts and events which have legal effects. And this just the way it seems to be the best to secure the necessary evidence of the website, where we find violation of our rights.
In practice, then we go to a notary public, we ask you to open a site of interest to us, the notary shall carry out such activities, and draw from it the protocol, indicating for example, that on a particular date, at a site were specified marks, photographs, whether such offensive content. For the protocol may include printed page.
Personally, I recommend this way. The more that same protocol can also be a lawyer.
Write about your experiences in this regard. might want to make a ranking of lawyers and notaries' legal-friendly network "?
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
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using Wiki for law drafting Purposes ...
with an interesting idea Vagla mentions on his site dedicated to the public reported. The idea is to use technology Wiki editing legal texts, their justifications and regulatory impact assessments
as a lawyer and legislator support this idea, but probably not the same as the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating law, but as an almost ideal way carry out public consultation and really good writing, analysis of regulatory impact assessments
my experience in the field of telecommunications shows that thanks to this there would be a chance to fill specific gaps rights among officials, who, unfortunately, many do not understand the matter that want to do ...
would make it more transparent the process of lobbying for the establishment of law
going to turn in promoting the idea akywne
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is Polish electronic communications regulation Independence in danger, or whether regulator of the telecommunications market to remain independent?
on this assumption is based on a common foundation for European policy and regulatory framework for electronic communications.
independent but from what or whom?
long time ago it was a state monopoly telecom ... building a competitive market by regulation can not go yet, when the controller is vulnerable to pressure monopoly (just look at the Polish Post Office, and the fact that "transfer" the former director of the department in charge of "regulation" in this market to management's URTiP Polish Post:) sad and true .. . Like once signed by the President Graboś letter ordering the municipal authorities to cease employment on the contract couriers to deliver letters, because "it violated the monopoly of the PP in the small packages" ... but the post office does not let us ... The President apparently was not fully independent of the PP, perhaps in part because the PP was and state and what state it is right, and certainly better than pazernego profit of capital (often densely west anyway) ...
but I am not what I wanted ... of telecoms would be ...
and there, after the company, free market, the Treasury can not see the President of UKE is therefore more independent and may be adjusted as competition regulation prescribe ...
anything but recently the picture distorts ... multi-monopolist, our national operator, regulated at a snail's pace for several years, under the new President of UKE, suddenly received a package of decisions, this monopoly nadgryzających little ... and what ... and unions write letters to the Prime Minister ... First postraszyly ... a few weeks ago ... the exemption will ... thousands of people on the streets ... she sneezes, because tepsy Board, asked if this is true, denied ...
odczekały their relationships, and again write to the Prime Minister Jaroslaw - that it's not like it, that of chairman of consumers that just transfers money from a monopoly to market your favorite tele2 ... and that it is wrong ... and what it really supposed to mean ...
nietety do not know what the Prime Minister said at a grateful donosik native of IIIRP, because the journalists did not learn of this and public opinion is not passed, but as you so designed that the independence Regulator would have had under pressure from trade unions to be something less than exemplary, it brings me to the conclusion that it would not be the best ... monopoly, sold quite controversial (if not najgoersza, is one of the worst of the privatization of the Third Republic) dychającemu out of the difficult French monopoly, fueling populism trade unionists, the prime minister suggested that telecoms regulator regulates the market too much and abusing a poor, how the Polish company (by the way I wonder why unions do not protest so loudly against the extensive removal of policy by France Telecom of any money from tepsy ... ot, for example, the great, fracuskich consultants .. one of these certainly got quite a reward for the introduction of the famous pprojet Blue Line-blockbuster success of "consultants" French;)))
silence of the Prime Minister on federal denunciations little surprises ... I could use a clear signal confirming the mandate of the regulator to fight for low prices and competitive market , otherwise we can forget that in Poland there will be a free market and effective competition in telecommunications.
problem, however, is probably in the fact that not only wants to weaken the control TEPSA.
How deep scratch, it is shown to the Commission European withdrawal of the Treasury of the telecommunications market and the independence of the regulator are quite misleading. Not because he lived alone TEPSA treasure and lives. EXATEL that appear somewhere in the vicinity of Great Tepsy concepts of Public Administration, Railway Telecommunication closer to the unknown number of fibers in Poland, Polkomtel and finally, the hiccups in an oligopolistic market komórkowcow ... finer skip ...
lot of posts to be distributed so the politicians are in those companies. And as I sit there is a need to have the results yet. A free competition these results is not easy. Let it be as though it was - the more liberal view. Meanwhile, he took control for regulation. Revolutionizing. Though its decisions in respect of which the administrative proceedings and sustainable ___trzy___ (!) Years (WLR for Tele2?).
Thinking to myself that all this, powakacyjnie, I conclude that it may be hard soon independent regulator. unions of TEPSY, offended the penalty for discouraging portability costs POLKOMTEL , managed from the Ministry of Railway Transport Telecommunications , and finally abandoned and neglected by the Polish administration Exatel ...
to that planned for the autumn amendment to law on telecommunications ... like a prelude to discussion of the role, place, and maybe the person controller ...
personally be desired independence of the regulator, the market - competition, customers, and including myself, low prices, and the Prime Minister to keep the direction of the Fourth Republic - RP for the people, not for narrow groups of interest ...
PS: I was pleased to inform you of the transfer telcocafe of on . Better service, easier to write:). At the same time I invite all stakeholders to contribute to this blog.
Monday, August 7, 2006
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curse frameworks Javowych
title="Photo Sharing"> src="
" width="75" height="75" alt="Egg Framework" /> Java has been written for hundreds if not thousands of skeletons for writing Web applications. If one carefully reads the news on target="_blank"> theserverside knows that the new frameworks are formed like mushrooms after rain.
But the question is ... since each frame is so good, why are creating new? The answer is one - you can not write a skeleton for everyone. In addition, many new frameworks more difficult than makes life easier for programmers trying to solve every problem. May be evidenced, for example, the fact that it is still most often used Struts, despite her old age.
So what should be the features of an ideal framework? In my opinion, the skeleton is a tool that will allow the programmer to first of all it easier and quicker to write applications. Therefore, the skeleton should be as simple as possible, to have clear APIs, well maintained and well thought out code that the programmer can easily understand it (it is often better to just see as code works, rather than read often incomplete documentation). But if we talk about the speed of writing applications is a developer should implement it in a very agile (called agile). The point is, żeby developer (for example, on request) could very quickly apply modifications without having to make changes in several places, the long testing applications from the GUI (for example, in the case of the impossibility of writing a unit test for GUI components), and finally continuous reboots server. One more question - frame should in no way limit Programmer! If something can be easily done in HTML and JavaScriptcie is in this frame it must be a simple operation, and above all possible (!).
indignant absence of "ideal" framework, created its own prototype frame - designed so that you'd have formed the basis for most applications in a standard client-server model (without the fancy AJAXowych, with dangling links included). This skeleton contains only the basic functionality (even though it lacks a validator), but in my opinion it is quite sufficient. I recognize the principle that a developer needs to know the skeleton, which is used by 100 percent. If the programmer udostępniłbym advanced components, he could not understand at all what they do (which eventually would lead to serious downtime in a project related to improving związanyc previously written code).
This prototype proved so interesting that I decided to start writing a draft of a real event. The project is called the Egg and as the name suggests is a nucleus formed by the applications you use. Using it you can create both simple and extremely complex application. For some of its features include: automatic reloadowanie classes without server restarts, a full object oriented (ability to create your own components in the ridiculously easy way), DRY (rule does not repeat the code in different places), CoC (Convention rather than configuration) and the ability to easily test tworzenego GUI ( on the principles of TDD). Alpha version of the project will be available within a few days on servers Google Code.
title="Photo Sharing"> src="
" width="75" height="75" alt="Egg Framework" /> Java has been written for hundreds if not thousands of skeletons for writing Web applications. If one carefully reads the news on target="_blank"> theserverside knows that the new frameworks are formed like mushrooms after rain.
But the question is ... since each frame is so good, why are creating new? The answer is one - you can not write a skeleton for everyone. In addition, many new frameworks more difficult than makes life easier for programmers trying to solve every problem. May be evidenced, for example, the fact that it is still most often used Struts, despite her old age.
So what should be the features of an ideal framework? In my opinion, the skeleton is a tool that will allow the programmer to first of all it easier and quicker to write applications. Therefore, the skeleton should be as simple as possible, to have clear APIs, well maintained and well thought out code that the programmer can easily understand it (it is often better to just see as code works, rather than read often incomplete documentation). But if we talk about the speed of writing applications is a developer should implement it in a very agile (called agile). The point is, żeby developer (for example, on request) could very quickly apply modifications without having to make changes in several places, the long testing applications from the GUI (for example, in the case of the impossibility of writing a unit test for GUI components), and finally continuous reboots server. One more question - frame should in no way limit Programmer! If something can be easily done in HTML and JavaScriptcie is in this frame it must be a simple operation, and above all possible (!).
indignant absence of "ideal" framework, created its own prototype frame - designed so that you'd have formed the basis for most applications in a standard client-server model (without the fancy AJAXowych, with dangling links included). This skeleton contains only the basic functionality (even though it lacks a validator), but in my opinion it is quite sufficient. I recognize the principle that a developer needs to know the skeleton, which is used by 100 percent. If the programmer udostępniłbym advanced components, he could not understand at all what they do (which eventually would lead to serious downtime in a project related to improving związanyc previously written code).
This prototype proved so interesting that I decided to start writing a draft of a real event. The project is called the Egg and as the name suggests is a nucleus formed by the applications you use. Using it you can create both simple and extremely complex application. For some of its features include: automatic reloadowanie classes without server restarts, a full object oriented (ability to create your own components in the ridiculously easy way), DRY (rule does not repeat the code in different places), CoC (Convention rather than configuration) and the ability to easily test tworzenego GUI ( on the principles of TDD). Alpha version of the project will be available within a few days on servers Google Code.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
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Google Web Toolkit
searching last javowych frameworks for building applications AJAXowych came across the Google Web Toolkit . I've met a lot of tools, but I must admit I have never been so excited:)
GWT is like SWT or Swing library for creating user interfaces. However, in this case, we create Web applications rather than desktop. Certainly some people have used or been familiar with such frameworks as the Echo - looks like the case here. So why I'm excited? There are several reasons.
The first is that Google has had to create some great applications AJAXowych (Google Maps, Gmail). The second fact that the library is an open-source (although part of the code is not available.) Thirdly framework allows you to easily create JavaScript code in Java (yes, Java code is compiled to JavaScript!). Fourth, allows easy debugging (Java Debug mode is not translated to JavaScript).
summary GWT looks very impressive. It is not only a library but also a set of tools that can greatly improve the performance of the programmer. GWT may forever change the lives of web application developers. Makes them faster and better to create interactive user interfaces. With the development of version stable place, and you implement support Java 5.0, the GWT has a chance to become the most popular AJAX framework with all time: D
searching last javowych frameworks for building applications AJAXowych came across the Google Web Toolkit . I've met a lot of tools, but I must admit I have never been so excited:)
GWT is like SWT or Swing library for creating user interfaces. However, in this case, we create Web applications rather than desktop. Certainly some people have used or been familiar with such frameworks as the Echo - looks like the case here. So why I'm excited? There are several reasons.
The first is that Google has had to create some great applications AJAXowych (Google Maps, Gmail). The second fact that the library is an open-source (although part of the code is not available.) Thirdly framework allows you to easily create JavaScript code in Java (yes, Java code is compiled to JavaScript!). Fourth, allows easy debugging (Java Debug mode is not translated to JavaScript).
summary GWT looks very impressive. It is not only a library but also a set of tools that can greatly improve the performance of the programmer. GWT may forever change the lives of web application developers. Makes them faster and better to create interactive user interfaces. With the development of version stable place, and you implement support Java 5.0, the GWT has a chance to become the most popular AJAX framework with all time: D
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
What Are All The Different Colors In Cubefield
first major project in Ruby Watir
decided to suspend all of my Open Source work, on the same project, which in my opinion is the best project in my entire life ( short life, though niewzykle interesting;)). Framework (for the project will be a skeleton application), this is one of the first to allow quick and painless creation of MMOG games (called Massive Multiplayer Online Game) and RIA (Rich Internet Application in English), operating in "real time" (read: automatically updated client-side)
Such applications place very high demands on the programmer. Makes them quite differently than the standard web-applications. There are many more techniques AJAXowych and DHTML (which with a large number of fragments selected podmieniających methods can be extremely burdensome). The programmer must implement complex mechanisms updates to your users. The use of standard frameworks is here completely out of place, because of too much CPU and memory (in this type of applications, the number of users simultaneously using the application is measured in thousands.) In addition, there is something trudo sklastrować. The task framework will thus make life easier for the developer by providing him a ready-made mechanisms, in order to be able to focus solely on the implementation of the gameplay and GUI design.
project is technologically quite daring but not too exaggerated. To speak of a version ready for use I'll have to create your own web server, a bit different from the existing solutions (currently done in 20%), pseudo object-oriented database (something like prevlayera, but some of the other applications), the mechanism of "dirty templates" (My code name for the template dynamically changing in time) and a few other equally important mechanisms.
course, technology will be used Ruby, due to the fact that for applications such as prototyping, this language is ideal.
Over the next few days I'll add a project on one of the portals Open Source (Sourceforge or RubyForge). In addition, some will create a wiki (probably and blog (VPSA I own so do not be a problem).
decided to suspend all of my Open Source work, on the same project, which in my opinion is the best project in my entire life ( short life, though niewzykle interesting;)). Framework (for the project will be a skeleton application), this is one of the first to allow quick and painless creation of MMOG games (called Massive Multiplayer Online Game) and RIA (Rich Internet Application in English), operating in "real time" (read: automatically updated client-side)
Such applications place very high demands on the programmer. Makes them quite differently than the standard web-applications. There are many more techniques AJAXowych and DHTML (which with a large number of fragments selected podmieniających methods can be extremely burdensome). The programmer must implement complex mechanisms updates to your users. The use of standard frameworks is here completely out of place, because of too much CPU and memory (in this type of applications, the number of users simultaneously using the application is measured in thousands.) In addition, there is something trudo sklastrować. The task framework will thus make life easier for the developer by providing him a ready-made mechanisms, in order to be able to focus solely on the implementation of the gameplay and GUI design.
project is technologically quite daring but not too exaggerated. To speak of a version ready for use I'll have to create your own web server, a bit different from the existing solutions (currently done in 20%), pseudo object-oriented database (something like prevlayera, but some of the other applications), the mechanism of "dirty templates" (My code name for the template dynamically changing in time) and a few other equally important mechanisms.
course, technology will be used Ruby, due to the fact that for applications such as prototyping, this language is ideal.
Over the next few days I'll add a project on one of the portals Open Source (Sourceforge or RubyForge). In addition, some will create a wiki (probably and blog (VPSA I own so do not be a problem).
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
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rocks! Ruby
Ruby increasingly making itself felt in the world. Not only because that is a great programming language, but also because it arises more and more brilliant projects.
looking gui way to test web applications I could not until now found an ideal solution. I have used JMeter, which has the ability to compare the results with the desired content, but that solution was quite limited (it was not possible to test applications AJAXowych). Meanwhile, technology moves on - more and more sites use complex JavaScript, so the test tool must be changed. JMeter I calmly put on the shelf when I found the Holy Grail for testing web applications.
Watir is a project that allows to simulate user interaction with the browser. Allows you to simulate user actions - clicking on the buttons, filling out forms and even move the mouse. The principle of operation is simple: write a program (unit test), which fires the browser performs certain activities and checks the results. During the test, we can see live what is going on in your browser. To sum up a brilliant program for easy and intuitive. Of course, the whole write test code in Ruby: D
Ruby increasingly making itself felt in the world. Not only because that is a great programming language, but also because it arises more and more brilliant projects.
looking gui way to test web applications I could not until now found an ideal solution. I have used JMeter, which has the ability to compare the results with the desired content, but that solution was quite limited (it was not possible to test applications AJAXowych). Meanwhile, technology moves on - more and more sites use complex JavaScript, so the test tool must be changed. JMeter I calmly put on the shelf when I found the Holy Grail for testing web applications.
Watir is a project that allows to simulate user interaction with the browser. Allows you to simulate user actions - clicking on the buttons, filling out forms and even move the mouse. The principle of operation is simple: write a program (unit test), which fires the browser performs certain activities and checks the results. During the test, we can see live what is going on in your browser. To sum up a brilliant program for easy and intuitive. Of course, the whole write test code in Ruby: D
Friday, January 13, 2006
I' Leaking Fluid And It Is Close To My Period
forever! Getting started with Ruby
two months have passed since the first time I met up with Ruby. But for the last month especially to the interestowałem - visited websites devoted to him, I put a variety of web-Rails applications, and of course programming in it (and Ruby on Rails as well).
I must admit that Ruby became my favorite language. Although I program in Java, long time, but Java is probably never seemed so brilliant as Ruby. By programming in it I would forget at least a dozen design patterns (in Ruby they are simply unnecessary!).
I felt at the end (from the time when you created your first website in PHP) the pleasure of creation - is evidenced by the fact that the equivalent of the library Olitext (written in Java), created in Ruby in just a week (over 4x faster than in Java !). Did not occur to me to be moments when the technology became my way - moments when I had to think more on how to use libraries or on the structure of classes rather than on the implementation.
why, and you especially recommend this language! :)
two months have passed since the first time I met up with Ruby. But for the last month especially to the interestowałem - visited websites devoted to him, I put a variety of web-Rails applications, and of course programming in it (and Ruby on Rails as well).
I must admit that Ruby became my favorite language. Although I program in Java, long time, but Java is probably never seemed so brilliant as Ruby. By programming in it I would forget at least a dozen design patterns (in Ruby they are simply unnecessary!).
I felt at the end (from the time when you created your first website in PHP) the pleasure of creation - is evidenced by the fact that the equivalent of the library Olitext (written in Java), created in Ruby in just a week (over 4x faster than in Java !). Did not occur to me to be moments when the technology became my way - moments when I had to think more on how to use libraries or on the structure of classes rather than on the implementation.
why, and you especially recommend this language! :)
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