is Polish electronic communications regulation Independence in danger, or whether
regulator of the telecommunications market to remain independent? on this assumption is based on a common foundation for European policy and regulatory framework for electronic communications.
independent but from what or whom?
long time ago it was a state monopoly telecom ... building a competitive market by regulation can not go yet, when the controller is vulnerable to pressure monopoly (just look at the Polish Post Office, and the fact that "transfer" the former director of the department in charge of "regulation" in this market to management's URTiP Polish Post:) sad and true .. . Like once signed by the President Graboś letter ordering the municipal authorities to cease employment on the contract couriers to deliver letters, because "it violated the monopoly of the PP in the small packages" ... but the post office does not let us ... The President apparently was not fully independent of the PP, perhaps in part because the PP was and state and what state it is right, and certainly better than pazernego profit of capital (often densely west anyway) ...
but I am not what I wanted ... of telecoms would be ...
and there, after the company, free market, the Treasury can not see the President of UKE is therefore more independent and may be adjusted as competition regulation prescribe ...
anything but recently the picture distorts ... multi-monopolist, our national operator, regulated at a snail's pace for several years, under the new President of UKE, suddenly received a package of decisions, this monopoly nadgryzających little ... and what ... and unions write letters to the Prime Minister ... First postraszyly ... a few weeks ago ... the exemption will ... thousands of people on the streets ... she sneezes, because tepsy Board, asked if this is true, denied ...
odczekały their relationships, and again write to the Prime Minister Jaroslaw - that it's not like it, that of chairman of consumers that just transfers money from a monopoly to market your favorite tele2 ... and that it is wrong ... and what it really supposed to mean ...
nietety do not know what the Prime Minister said at a grateful donosik native of IIIRP, because the journalists did not learn of this and public opinion is not passed, but as you so designed that the independence Regulator would have had under pressure from trade unions to be something less than exemplary, it brings me to the conclusion that it would not be the best ... monopoly, sold quite controversial (if not najgoersza, is one of the worst of the privatization of the Third Republic) dychającemu out of the difficult French monopoly, fueling populism trade unionists, the prime minister suggested that telecoms regulator regulates the market too much and abusing a poor, how the Polish company (by the way I wonder why unions do not protest so loudly against the extensive removal of policy by France Telecom of any money from tepsy ... ot, for example, the great, fracuskich consultants .. one of these certainly got quite a reward for the introduction of the famous pprojet Blue Line-blockbuster success of "consultants" French;)))
silence of the Prime Minister on federal denunciations little surprises ...
I could use a clear signal confirming the mandate of the regulator to fight for low prices and competitive market , otherwise we can forget that in Poland there will be a free market and effective competition in telecommunications.
problem, however, is probably in the fact that not only wants to weaken the control TEPSA.
How deep scratch, it is shown to the Commission European withdrawal of the Treasury of the telecommunications market and the independence of the regulator are quite misleading. Not because he lived alone TEPSA treasure and lives.
EXATEL that appear somewhere in the vicinity of Great Tepsy concepts of Public Administration, Railway Telecommunication closer to the unknown number of fibers in Poland, Polkomtel and finally, the hiccups in an oligopolistic market komórkowcow ... finer skip ...
lot of posts to be distributed so the politicians are in those companies. And as I sit there is a need to have the results yet. A free competition these results is not easy. Let it be as though it was - the more liberal view. Meanwhile, he took control for regulation. Revolutionizing. Though its decisions in respect of which the administrative proceedings and sustainable ___trzy___ (!) Years (WLR for Tele2?).
Thinking to myself that all this, powakacyjnie, I conclude that it may be hard
soon independent regulator.
unions of TEPSY, offended the penalty for discouraging portability costs
POLKOMTEL , managed from the Ministry of Railway Transport Telecommunications
, and finally abandoned and neglected by the Polish administration
Exatel ...
to that planned for the autumn
amendment to law on telecommunications ... like a prelude to discussion of the role, place, and maybe the person controller ...
personally be desired independence of the regulator, the market - competition, customers, and including myself, low prices, and the Prime Minister to keep the direction of the Fourth Republic - RP for the people, not for narrow groups of interest ...
PS: I was pleased to inform you of the transfer
telcocafe of on . Better service, easier to write:). At the same time
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