Italy: The war with terror hits I-net cafes , or further restrictions of liberty in the name of security
How gave IDG service was introduced in Italy so. anti-terrorism laws, which impose an obligation licencjowania cafes Internet and registering people using them .
Every visitor should cafe show an identity document, ie pratyce dokumenet any photo. Foreigners can show almost anything with stamps, a set of patterns of official documents in every cafe, after all there is and it will not.
Does this make sense? In my opinion, no, like the pre-registration paidów. Those who want to use the Internet to the wrong actions and so will do it.
idea, however, indicates sad about something else, with despair, power, looking for any, mostly illusory and ineffective means to "do something with this terrorism." As a result, risk seems to be to develop a global information society, tolerated only if it is "licensed", "monitored" and "monitored" . Kind of like today's Internet in China.
cafes are recorded first step of recording the movements of free WiFi networks and other wireless networks . But without this system will be leaks. Suffice it to recall a case in which criminals - that the fictional shop of electronics - purposely hired apartment market in the area of \u200b\u200bWroclaw, to enjoy the unmonitored access to the network.
Our fears, including those against terrorism, are used to enhance the control over us.
Personally, I do not fear terrorism more than other natural or natural disasters. You can prevent this phenomenon in a limited way. Is the swap so seemingly civil liberties of security? And is not that risky if the relevant services, which have enormous powers to monitor citizens themselves are reluctant to give up control (eg, avoidance of real control by the enigmatic Article content. 39 of the ABW and the AW - see SCC report of December 2005 ).
In the context of "trade VO, bartering - freedom for security, I recommend the book Bruce Schneier Beyond Fear" Thinking sensibly about Security in an Uncertain World, Copernicus Books (published September 2003) . Its cover, I allowed myself to illustrate this note.
And what is your opinion on this? Because I'm afraid that sooner rather than later someone will get the idea of \u200b\u200bintroducing such a law in Poland.
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