title="Photo Sharing">
" width="75" height="75" alt="Egg Framework" /> Java has been written for hundreds if not thousands of skeletons for writing Web applications. If one carefully reads the news on target="_blank"> theserverside knows that the new frameworks are formed like mushrooms after rain.
But the question is ... since each frame is so good, why are creating new? The answer is one - you can not write a skeleton for everyone. In addition, many new frameworks more difficult than makes life easier for programmers trying to solve every problem. May be evidenced, for example, the fact that it is still most often used Struts, despite her old age.
So what should be the features of an ideal framework? In my opinion, the skeleton is a tool that will allow the programmer to first of all it easier and quicker to write applications. Therefore, the skeleton should be as simple as possible, to have clear APIs, well maintained and well thought out code that the programmer can easily understand it (it is often better to just see as code works, rather than read often incomplete documentation). But if we talk about the speed of writing applications is a developer should implement it in a very agile (called agile). The point is, żeby developer (for example, on request) could very quickly apply modifications without having to make changes in several places, the long testing applications from the GUI (for example, in the case of the impossibility of writing a unit test for GUI components), and finally continuous reboots server. One more question - frame should in no way limit Programmer! If something can be easily done in HTML and JavaScriptcie is in this frame it must be a simple operation, and above all possible (!).
indignant absence of "ideal" framework, created its own prototype frame - designed so that you'd have formed the basis for most applications in a standard client-server model (without the fancy AJAXowych, with dangling links included). This skeleton contains only the basic functionality (even though it lacks a validator), but in my opinion it is quite sufficient. I recognize the principle that a developer needs to know the skeleton, which is used by 100 percent. If the programmer udostępniłbym advanced components, he could not understand at all what they do (which eventually would lead to serious downtime in a project related to improving związanyc previously written code).
This prototype proved so interesting that I decided to start writing a draft of a real event. The project is called the Egg and as the name suggests is a nucleus formed by the applications you use. Using it you can create both simple and extremely complex application. For some of its features include: automatic reloadowanie classes without server restarts, a full object oriented (ability to create your own components in the ridiculously easy way), DRY (rule does not repeat the code in different places), CoC (Convention rather than configuration) and the ability to easily test tworzenego GUI ( on the principles of TDD). Alpha version of the project will be available within a few days on servers Google Code.
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