Wednesday, February 22, 2006

What Are All The Different Colors In Cubefield

first major project in Ruby Watir

decided to suspend all of my Open Source work, on the same project, which in my opinion is the best project in my entire life ( short life, though niewzykle interesting;)). Framework (for the project will be a skeleton application), this is one of the first to allow quick and painless creation of MMOG games (called Massive Multiplayer Online Game) and RIA (Rich Internet Application in English), operating in "real time" (read: automatically updated client-side)

Such applications place very high demands on the programmer. Makes them quite differently than the standard web-applications. There are many more techniques AJAXowych and DHTML (which with a large number of fragments selected podmieniających methods can be extremely burdensome). The programmer must implement complex mechanisms updates to your users. The use of standard frameworks is here completely out of place, because of too much CPU and memory (in this type of applications, the number of users simultaneously using the application is measured in thousands.) In addition, there is something trudo sklastrować. The task framework will thus make life easier for the developer by providing him a ready-made mechanisms, in order to be able to focus solely on the implementation of the gameplay and GUI design.

project is technologically quite daring but not too exaggerated. To speak of a version ready for use I'll have to create your own web server, a bit different from the existing solutions (currently done in 20%), pseudo object-oriented database (something like prevlayera, but some of the other applications), the mechanism of "dirty templates" (My code name for the template dynamically changing in time) and a few other equally important mechanisms.

course, technology will be used Ruby, due to the fact that for applications such as prototyping, this language is ideal.

Over the next few days I'll add a project on one of the portals Open Source (Sourceforge or RubyForge). In addition, some will create a wiki (probably and blog (VPSA I own so do not be a problem).


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