Friday, January 13, 2006

I' Leaking Fluid And It Is Close To My Period

forever! Getting started with Ruby

two months have passed since the first time I met up with Ruby. But for the last month especially to the interestowaƂem - visited websites devoted to him, I put a variety of web-Rails applications, and of course programming in it (and Ruby on Rails as well).

I must admit that Ruby became my favorite language. Although I program in Java, long time, but Java is probably never seemed so brilliant as Ruby. By programming in it I would forget at least a dozen design patterns (in Ruby they are simply unnecessary!).

I felt at the end (from the time when you created your first website in PHP) the pleasure of creation - is evidenced by the fact that the equivalent of the library Olitext (written in Java), created in Ruby in just a week (over 4x faster than in Java !). Did not occur to me to be moments when the technology became my way - moments when I had to think more on how to use libraries or on the structure of classes rather than on the implementation.

why, and you especially recommend this language! :)


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