part. 3. - Rails
Well, I reached the end of the technology, calling osatnimi blush at times of major developers of web applications. It is, of course, Ruby on Rails - the framework, which has a chance to become the most popular application skeleton ever. Web applications are a particular type of software. Many tasks that the programmer must perform repetitive - from the creation of a mechanism dispatchującego, through the actions, views and model.
Rails comply with all the basic requirements which are placed skeletons with modern web-applications. It can thus benefit from the controllers and templates. You can also use OR mapping and web interfesów serviceów (it's probably not often met in typical frameworks).
So we have finished writing a self-contained solution for small, medium and even large webaplikacji - no need to use the EXTERNAL libraries such as sending emails or database operations.
Ruby on Rails is the framework with a very strong support for Ajax. We have a set of commands that significantly reduce the time to write a truly interactive applications. But what makes Rails falls in love with an increasing number of developers once convinced of the power of Java? PLEASURE From planning and time that must spend VALID FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THINGS YOU.
In the next post I will describe briefly my first day of project creation Communities Website System, which is just written in Rails.
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