Monday, August 28, 2006

Swot Analysis On Milton Bradley's Board Games

comment Wiki is the law? ie why not start a project of Legal Wiki Comments?

not bothering me the idea of \u200b\u200bPeter 'Vagli "Waglowskiego, which I described here .
In conjunction with the proposal Lajon in order to create a new comment to the telecommunications law, so I thought it would be interesting to use Wiki commenting law.

The advantage over traditional commentary seems to be many: the ability to participate in the commenting rules by a wide range of practitioners. Speed \u200b\u200bof response to changes in the law. Openness and free nature of the project.

for this opportunity to link this with the demands of de legeferenda , and social participation in the legislative process is.

Of course there are risks , poor quality comments, errors, sabotage;) The same as in Wikipedia. And so you can try to overcome them. There is also a risk that professionals willing to share their secret knowledge for free. Experience with free software movement creative commons and other free software project show that there is a chance of success.

finger on the hood - who is include in the project?


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