9th Computer failure and hummingbird
Oj has happened lately, has. A Friday night began with a computer failure. And basically it started with a meeting with Elbereth, leading blog http://pierwsze-wrazenia.blogspot.com/ El lot travels and this time traveled into my surroundings. I wanted to describe our evening meeting and it turned out that it's impossible - I fell quite a keyboard and then the computer died and I could not run it. On Saturday, there was no opportunity to go shopping because I partied. Michael ends today, eight years but we did a party on Saturday. Children were many, and judging from their appearance were playing well;)
events continued yesterday - this time for the family. And since there was no computer, apologized to the sikorkami. I did outline in the leaves, and I think that somehow survive to the end, although I encountered another obstacle - Wojtek grabbed for it and a little mulinek przemieszał, ie powyciągał tufts from the sorter. And that it was ready to set me a little bit down from the fit of the symbol to the appropriate thread. For the goldfinches to set too quickly, I will not take - discouraged for good. Today's tits look like this:
Yesterday very late in the evening the husband went to the mall and bought me a new keyboard. Until that managed to fire up the computer. Days without a computer were heavy;) Now I can do a review online yarn shop and order a new canvas to "goldenka. And for that I'll bet a chocolate that will extract the package as soon as the new canvas canvas trying to find;)
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