
or prior Internet censorship and monitoring of citizens?
is fast approaching ... so. Gambling Act introduces a novelty : professionals are given the right to indicate the pages of banned websites - UKE is immediately entered in the register indicated party and cut off from her opy userów. Immediately, without trial or the right to appeal and is kept secret service, which so requested. Good eh? The condition of the decision: national security and public order. The whole fits into the broader context of the adoption by the EU so. telecoms package, with the option introduction of packages of access to specific pages (if our bill for internet soon so will look ?), and cut off users from the network without a court order ... in this context, participation of the Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Technical Universities in a project known INDECT not surprising. More on that later here. I'm starting to understand why it happened to fill in blank spots and provide internet to everyone in that too for free, and why coordinating the office of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, with a rich tradition of Rakowiecka street. Big Eye has to be everywhere. For this occasion the Head of the NASK was a former director of the ABW. Do you feel safer?
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