Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Mbd In Bearded Dragons Can The Paralysis Reverse

promise to facilitate the access to the frequency?

currently takes place in Geneva at the ITU organized an international workshop on the use of market mechanisms in spectrum management process.
encourage you to familiarize yourself with presentations available at: http://www.itu.int/osg/spu/stn/spectrum/agenda.html

Looks like, thanks to the recent amendment to the law on telecommunications, waiting to be signed by the President, be at the forefront of countries that have adopted the Secondary distribution of frequencies.

text amendment ultimately adopted by the Parliament at this address http://orka.sejm.gov.pl/opinie5.nsf/nazwa/1016_u/ $ file/1016_u.pdf

AMENDMENT also greatly improved regulations for the tender , allowing m.in to perform typical auction, where only the price will determine who receives rezrewacje frequency.
interesting in this context were the voices of the countries where spectrum auctions are already performed for several years (eg UK), which point to the shortcomings of such a system distribution, and calling for the creation model inhabited - where not only price, but the degree of implementation of public goals, including the social constitute a selection criterion.

are interesting models which do not count the price of what someone can pay at the start (promotes the existing telecom-rich), but what percentage of revenues will be indulged in the activity. It's getting the right amount offered and allow new operators to enter the market.

More thoughts soon, as I myself is all sorted :-)


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