Friday, August 12, 2005

How Long Does It Take For Sport Uniforms To

My review of Sothink SWF Decompiler MX 2005b

You Software Developers Journal - one of the most prestigious journals in Poland, and, above all, the only magazine contains a review of programming by me. Review applies to Sothink SWF Decompiler - in short, an application to decompile swf files. article can be read here

Sunday, August 7, 2005

Tampon Clip Why Is My Period So Heavy?

Marne dollars Java programmer part. 1

situation in Poland, when it comes to hosting webaplikacji created in Java is at least uninteresting. Yes, there najprawdę the only major company - which, however, for its services it wishes to prodigious amounts (1,200 net per annum for a gold drain from the shared account the Java virtual machine!). The rest is just a big misunderstanding. What is the cause? Indiscriminate application requirements javowych to the number of memory controllers and niedouczenie Polish? As for the latter is, indeed, the Polish administrators know little about whether JBossie Tomc. Sooner specialists in these areas are Java programmers. Sam personally know a few admins who asked about knowledge of javowych servers fall silent, and change the subject. While at the Pole is the purchase of such an account abroad. There prices are a bit lower, but does not really sound solutions for sums of less than 500-600 dollars per year. The best solution seem so i can buy a virtual server with decent performance (eg Adiungo or FDCServers ) or the dedicated server. Meanwhile, the situation

PHP programmers have a quite different way. Number of companies offering hosting for these applications is huge - both in Poland and abroad. There are so many deals that can not be read before you buy with 1 / 10 of what is available on the market. So what to do Javowiec? Move to php? Joking:) Even with its PHP 5 object-oriented capabilities in no way match Java. But for now, web applications written in Java will be used on the intranet and hosted on corporate servers that created this application.

The JDN you can see my post about hosting Java in Poland:

What Does A Number Five Clipper Look Like


Name Jacek
Name Olszak
Phone ********
Address Street. ***** * / *, 02-441 Warsaw
E-mail jacekolszak [at]
Birthday 18 August 1983
status bachelor
Education 2004 - today School of Computer Science in Lodz (Department of nonresident in Bydgoszcz)
2003 Nicolaus Copernicus University, Department of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer
1998-2003 Electronic Technical , Torun technician diploma specjalnoci industrial automation
Certificates August 2006 Sun Certified Java Programmer SCJP 5.0
Experience 05.2006 - today ISolution [programmer / designer, J2EE, Hibernate, Spring, JSF]
10.2005 - 05.2006 Ramses Sp. Ltd. [programmer / designer, J2EE, EJB 3, web services, Spring, Hibernate]
05.2004 - 10.2005 WiedzaNet Sp. Ltd. [Java developer, ActionScript 2 (Flash), ToolBook, PHP]
2003 - 2005 Working as a freelancer - PHP, Java, SQL, Flash, DHTML
2002 - present Working on open source projects - programming and project management
Achievements 2003 Director receive the prize for best thesis in 2002/03, Computer
1998 addressing five places in the provincial competition Informatic (algorithms)

Writing A Bachelorette Card Message

Name Jacek
Surname Olszak
Phone number ********
Address ul. ***** */*, 02-441 Warszawa
E-mail jacekolszak [at]
Date of birth 18 august 1983
Marital status bachelor
Education 2004 - today The College of Computer Science, Lodz (Division in Bydgoszcz)
Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun

Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics NCU
1998-2003 Electronic Technical College, Toruń

technical degree in industrial automatics
Certificates august 2006 Sun Certified Java Programmer SCJP 5.0
Job experience: 05.2006 - today ISolution [Java developer/architect - JavaServer Faces, Spring, Hibernate]
10.2005 - 05.2006 Ramzes Sp. z o.o. [Java developer/architect - J2EE, EJB 3, web services, Hibernate, Spring]
05.2004 - 09.2005 WiedzaNet Sp. z o.o. [Java programmer, ActionScript 2(Flash), Toolbook, PHP]
2003 – 2005 Work as a freelancer – PHP, Java, SQL, Flash, DHTML
2002 – today Open Source – developing and projects leading
Achievements 2003 headmaster's price for the Best Diplom Work in Computer Science in 2002/03
1998 fifth place in Computer Science Provincial Contest (algorithms)

Why Do Men Like Nylon Feet

My skills


Skills: 9/10

JSE 5.0 - [scjp 5.0] (oop, eclipse, junit, maven, ant, aop (jboss aop, spring aop), rmi, io, net, jakarta commons, xml, xmlbeans, swt, jface, swing, basics of eclipse plugins making),

JEE (javaserver faces, servlets, jsp, struts, spring, ejb 3.0, hibernate 3, web services - xfire, jdbc, velocity), JME (basics)

ActionScript 2.0 (Flash)

Skills: 9/10
object oriented programming, AS2Lib (collections, unit tests etc.), Action Script Development Tool + Flashout, Flash MX 2004 Professional


Skills: 9/10
PHP 4, PHP 5 (object oriented programming), Smarty, phpunit, systems (Mambo, MediaWiki,PhpBB, ezPublish etc.)


Skills: 6/10
(eclipse rdt, oop, io, drb, rinda, webrick, threads, xml, unit tests)

Ruby on Rails

Skills: 6/10
(Active Record, Action View, AJAX techniques, Action Controller, lighttpd, webrick, eclipse radrails)


Skills: 7/10
relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, HSQLDb), o/r mapping tools for Java and PHP (EJB 3 persistance, JDO, Propel), Berkeley DB, db4o, Prevayler


Skills: 5/10
Daily use - desktop linux (os: Mandrake, Aurox, RedHat), www servers - Apache 2, Tomcat 5, Lighttpd

Object Oriented Programming

Skills: 7/10
design patterns, UML

HTML, JavaScript (DHTML), CSS

Skills: 9/10
XHTML, CSS 2.0, web applications/websites gui making


Skills: 7/10


Skills: 7/10
XML APIs for Java, PHP, ActionScript, XML Schema, DTD

Other technologies

C, Eclipse, CVS, Subversion, Microsoft Office, Open Office, JEdit, Dreamweaver MX, Pajączek, Quanta, Photoshop, ImageReady CS, Gimp, Windows XP,98,Me

Native languages

polish - Skills: 8/10
english - Skills: 5/10